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The micro-geographies of productivity growth: Evidence from the auto-related industries in Japan (Tetsu Kawakami, Eri Yamada and Jiro Nemoto)


The purpose of this study is to provide basic quantitative facts about the clusters representing productivity growth, in particular, focusing on transportation equipment and its related industries in Japan. The Japanese transportation equipment industry uses cutting-edge technologies and is expected to play an important role in developing the regions designated in the cluster projects. Because of the characteristics of vertical and hierarchical organizational structures, consistent clustered productivity growth is believed to be associated with extensive knowledge spillover among related industries. We use data extracted from the Census of Manufactures, which includes information for firms, such as production, value added, employment, fixed assets, and aggregate wages. The extensive and detailed information about company aspects enables us to make the following analytical contributions. First, we are able to relate the structure of the local clusters to company productivity. Second, we capture each company’s productivity growth by using the measurement of the Malmquist total factor productivity (TFP) index. A desirable property of this index is that it is applicable without any ad hoc adjustment to the input data, even if the varying intensity of input usage conceals true productivity. Third, based on the address information of the companies, the estimated results of the technical change component of the TFP index are visualized on maps using a geographic information system. This approach for detecting clusters allows us to uncover more realistic geographical areas and decaying patterns with distance rather than research relying on political borders or predetermined geographical units. Thus, we explore whether the company’s productivity growth forms clusters, and if so, the degree of the productivity growth relates to the proximity to diversified industries or its own-industry activity. The findings would help infer the path of knowledge transfer that contributes to productive growth and establish effective regional policies.




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