

講演者:高橋 一(事業創造大学大学院教授、一橋大学特任教授)
タイトル:On a Statistical Analysis of Implied Data
We propose a method and the model of evaluating the accuracy
of the estimated implied default probabilities, (cf. Takahashi
[2011]). We modify the method of Duffie and Singleton [1999]
and/or Jarrow and Turnull [1995] to allow the parametric
statistical analysis. The “pseudo maximum likelihood estimator”
is proposed and their asymptotic properties are presented.
The key step is to define a “pseudo score functions” and we
apply the method of Wald [1949] and a usual delta method.
Some data analysis is also presented. To avoid calculating
the complicated asymptotic variances, we employ bootstrap
for numerically estimating the accuracy of the estimators.

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