Partnership Nagoya City University and University of Paris XIII
International workshop on Historical and Institutional approach to modern Capitalism
—- foundation of the comparative analysis of the economic policy
September 30 2008 from 11H to 17H
Graduate school of economics, Nagoya City University
Language : English
11H00- 11H30 Yasuo INOUE(NCU) “Transformation of Japanese « rapport salarial » ”
11H30-12H Natsuko KITANI(NCU) “Japan’s presence in the Indo-British Trade Relationship in the 1930s”
12H00-12H30 Nanako FUJITA(NCU) “The Theory of Cumulative Causation:Myrdal,Kaldor and After”
12H30-13H30 lunch time
13H30-14H Benjamin CORIAT(Paris XIII) & Olivier WEINSTEIN (Paris XIII) “Intellectual property and regime of accumulation”
14H-14H30 Pascal PETIT(Paris XIII) “Inegality and globalization”
14H30-14H45 Coffee Break
14H45-15H15 Akira TANAKA(NCU) “Understanding Inter-Firm relationship in Business Groups in China”
15H15-15H45 Jacques MAZIER(Paris XIII) “Macroeconomic Policy in EU”
15H45-16H15 Robert BOYER(PSE) “Institutional Transformation of Japanese Economy”
16H15-17H Discussion
なお、参加ご希望のかたは資料の準備のため、事前に井上研究室 までご連絡ください。