(名古屋市立大学経済学研究科 宮原研究室)
日時: 2009年12月17日(木)15:00-16:30
会場: 名古屋市立大学山の畑キャンパス
Speaker: L. Vostrikova
(Department of Mathematics,
University of Angers, France)
Title: “Minimal f-divergence martingale measures and optimal portfolios for exponential Levy models with a change-point.”
Abstract: The parameters of financial models are generally highly dependent on time. This time-dependency of the parameters can often be described using a piece-wise constant function: we will call this case a change-point problem.Change-point problems have a long history, probably beginning with the papers of Page in an a-posteriori setting, and of Shiryaev in a quickest detection setting. The change-point problem was later considered in many papers, in the context of financial mathematics the question was often related to a quickest detection approach.
Here we study the change-point model for exponential Levy processes when the parameters of the model before and after the change are known and the change-point itself is independent of the observed processes. We obtain the expression for optimal portfolio in a sense of utility maximization.
The problem of utility maximization is highly related with the corresponding f-divergence minimal martingale measure. We find the expression of this f-minimal martingale measure. Then we discuss the problem of conservation of Levy property under this f-minimal martingale measure. Finally, we give f – minimal martingale measures for change-point model and the relatively explicit expression for optimal strategies corresponding to respective utility function.
連絡先:宮原研究室(E-mail: y-miya@econ.nagoya-cu.ac.jp)